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Java Bindings

The ch.epfl.scala:bsp4j module is a Java library that is available from Maven Central. The module has one external dependency on the eclipse/lsp4j library.


Add the following snippet to your build to add dependency on bsp4j.


compile group: 'ch.epfl.scala', name: 'bsp4j', version: '2.1.0'




libraryDependencies += "ch.epfl.scala" % "bsp4j" % "2.1.0"



First, begin by obtaining an input and output stream to communicate with the build server.

val output: = buildOutputStream()
val input: = buildInputStream()

Next, implement the BuildClient interface. Replace the ??? dummy implementations with the logic of your build client.

import java.util.concurrent._
import ch.epfl.scala.bsp4j._
import org.eclipse.lsp4j.jsonrpc.Launcher

class MyClient extends BuildClient {
def onBuildLogMessage(params: LogMessageParams): Unit = ???
def onBuildPublishDiagnostics(params: PublishDiagnosticsParams): Unit = ???
def onBuildShowMessage(params: ShowMessageParams): Unit = ???
def onBuildTargetDidChange(params: DidChangeBuildTarget): Unit = ???
def onBuildTaskFinish(params: TaskFinishParams): Unit = ???
def onBuildTaskProgress(params: TaskProgressParams): Unit = ???
def onBuildTaskStart(params: TaskStartParams): Unit = ???
def onRunPrintStdout(params: PrintParams): Unit = ???
def onRunPrintStderr(params: PrintParams): Unit = ???
val localClient = new MyClient()

Optionally, create a custom ExecutorService to run client responses

import java.util.concurrent._
val es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1)

Next, wire the client implementation together with the remote build server.

val launcher = new Launcher.Builder[BuildServer]()

Next, obtain an instance of the remote BuildServer via getRemoteProxy().

val server = launcher.getRemoteProxy

Next, start listening to the remote build server on a separate thread. The .get() method call is blocking during the lifetime of BSP session.

new Thread {
override def run() = launcher.startListening().get()

Next, trigger the initialize handshake with the remote server.

val workspace = java.nio.file.Paths.get(".").toAbsolutePath().normalize()
val initializeResult = server.buildInitialize(new InitializeBuildParams(
"MyClient", // name of this client
"1.0.0", // version of this client
new BuildClientCapabilities(java.util.Collections.singletonList("scala"))

After receiving the initialize response, send the build/initialized notification.

initializeResult.thenAccept(_ => server.onBuildInitialized())

After sending the build/initialized notification, you can send any BSP requests and notications such as workspace/buildTargets, buildTarget/compile.

To close the BSP session, send the build/shutdown request followed by a build/exit notification.

server.buildShutdown().thenAccept(new java.util.function.Consumer[Object] {
def accept(x: Object): Unit = {


First, implement the BuildServer interface.

import java.util.concurrent._
import ch.epfl.scala.bsp4j._
import org.eclipse.lsp4j.jsonrpc.Launcher

class MyBuildServer extends BuildServer {
var client: BuildClient = null // will be updated later
def buildInitialize(params: InitializeBuildParams): CompletableFuture[InitializeBuildResult] = ???
def buildShutdown(): CompletableFuture[Object] = ???
def buildTargetCleanCache(params: CleanCacheParams): CompletableFuture[CleanCacheResult] = ???
def buildTargetCompile(params: CompileParams): CompletableFuture[CompileResult] = ???
def buildTargetDependencySources(params: DependencySourcesParams): CompletableFuture[DependencySourcesResult] = ???
def buildTargetDependencyModules(params: DependencyModulesParams): CompletableFuture[DependencyModulesResult] = ???
def buildTargetInverseSources(params: InverseSourcesParams): CompletableFuture[InverseSourcesResult] = ???
def buildTargetResources(params: ResourcesParams): CompletableFuture[ResourcesResult] = ???
def buildTargetOutputPaths(params: OutputPathsParams): CompletableFuture[OutputPathsResult] = ???
def buildTargetRun(params: RunParams): CompletableFuture[RunResult] = ???
def buildTargetSources(params: SourcesParams): CompletableFuture[SourcesResult] = ???
def buildTargetTest(params: TestParams): CompletableFuture[TestResult] = ???
def debugSessionStart(params: DebugSessionParams): CompletableFuture[DebugSessionAddress] = ???
def onBuildExit(): Unit = ???
def onBuildInitialized(): Unit = ???
def workspaceBuildTargets(): CompletableFuture[WorkspaceBuildTargetsResult] = ???
def workspaceReload(): CompletableFuture[Object] = ???
def onRunReadStdin(params: ReadParams): Unit = ???
val localServer = new MyBuildServer()

Next, construct a launcher for the remote build client.

val launcher = new Launcher.Builder[BuildClient]()

Next, update the remote build client reference in localServer.

localServer.client = launcher.getRemoteProxy()

Finally, in a main method wire everything together.

def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
launcher.startListening().get() // listen until BSP session is over.