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Cargo Extension

The following section contains Cargo-specific extensions to the build server protocol.

BSP version


BSP Server remote interface

CargoFeaturesState: request

Unstable (may change in future versions)

The cargo features state request is sent from the client to the server to query for the current state of the Cargo features. Provides also mapping between Cargo packages and build target identifiers.

  • method: workspace/cargoFeaturesState
  • result: CargoFeaturesStateResult


Unstable (may change in future versions)

export interface CargoFeaturesStateResult {
/** The list of Cargo packages with assigned to them target
* identifiers and available features. */
packagesFeatures: PackageFeatures[];


export interface PackageFeatures {
/** The Cargo package identifier. */
packageId: string;

/** The list of build target identifiers assigned to the Cargo package. */
targets: BuildTargetIdentifier[];

/** The list of available features for the Cargo package. */
availableFeatures: Map<Feature, Set<Feature>>;

/** The list of enabled features for the Cargo package. */
enabledFeatures: Set<Feature>;

SetCargoFeatures: request

Unstable (may change in future versions)

The enable cargo features request is sent from the client to the server to set provided features collection as a new state for the specified Cargo package.

  • method: workspace/setCargoFeatures
  • params: SetCargoFeaturesParams
  • result: SetCargoFeaturesResult


Unstable (may change in future versions)

export interface SetCargoFeaturesParams {
/** Package ID for which new features state will be set. */
packageId: string;

/** The list of features to be set as a new state. */
features: Set<Feature>;


Unstable (may change in future versions)

export interface SetCargoFeaturesResult {
/** The status code of the operation. */
statusCode: StatusCode;

BuildTargetData kinds


This structure is embedded in the data?: BuildTargetData field, when the dataKind field contains "cargo".


CargoBuildTarget is a basic data structure that contains cargo-specific metadata.

export interface CargoBuildTarget {
edition: RustEdition;

requiredFeatures: Set<Feature>;